Satisfaction guaranteed

I back my products with a guarantee. Let me know if you hit any problems.



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Your satisfaction guarantee

I back all of my products with a full, 100% satisfaction guarantee.

I know just how difficult it can be to trust another person that you haven't met.

And unfortunately, some of my fellow developers make unrealistic promises made about their Joomla extensions, or their extensions simply don't work.

That's why I offer a full 100% satisfaction guarantee that my software will work as advertised. I also offer full support via email, and sometimes via Skype and/or telephone if needed. I'm always there to answer questions, and I'll work hard to make sure the extension works for you and your Joomla environment.

I've sold many extensions to hundreds of individuals, and a few people have been nice enough to write a review, or leave feedback on the JED. Please do check out the reviews, and Your guaranteeonce you've tried out an extension, please do feel free to leave one of your own.

If you have any questions or comments about the satisfaction guarantee, please ask here, or contact me directly. For individual support, please use the q-and-a forms on the extension page, or submit a support ticket.

Please also see the refund policy for more information if needed.


Your comments

There are 79 comments

Andrea Vassallo

November 30, 2023 - 11:23

I'm a bit confused. I bought this item from Amazon, and for some reason, your contact info is listed under 'Product Support.' I'm having issues with it. Can you check why your details are here? is the listing.. I am getting frustrated and need assistance.

Reply to Andrea Vassallo

Tim Davis

December 01, 2023 - 07:27

Hi Andrea,

There must be some mistake. We do not sell our extensions on Amazon. You are welcome to email [email protected] with the full link (not a shortened link) of what you bought so we can explore this further.

God bless,



December 01, 2018 - 15:55

I love Kazaam for Joomla menus. I did not need the pro version, so I used the free version, but I might buy the pro version just to support the excellent Kazaam product.

Reply to Pinto


December 01, 2018 - 20:47

Awesome thanks!!

Eugene Campbell

June 08, 2018 - 03:28

Just installed the StageIt extension. Everything seemed to be going well. I have attempted to create/rebuild the staging environment and in both cases when I go to login I get a white page with 'Error' in the upper left corner of the browser window.



Reply to Eugene Campbell

Barnaby Dixon

June 08, 2018 - 18:25

Hi Eugene,

Thank you for your message. This sounds like a server issue of some kind. 'Error' is not a standard Joomla message, which tend to be more informative. You'd need to check that your /stageit/ directory can be accessed, and that /stageit/index.php and /stageit/administrator/index.php can run (usually they'll need 0755 permissions). But it's very hard to diagnose this specific issue from your description - so for more specific support please email me directly by replying to this email, or using the Contact Form on the site.

Thanks & have a great day!

Barnaby Dixon

Robert Zvavamwe

February 26, 2018 - 13:35

HTML 2 Articles is not loading on my site. When I click to start, the menus like UPLOAD and article settings don't respond.

What are the requirements for this extension?


Reply to Robert Zvavamwe

Barnaby Dixon

February 26, 2018 - 15:45

Hi Robert

Thank you for your message. This sounds like a JQuery conflict of some kind, since the buttons are driven by jQuery. I am not aware of any outstanding compatibility issues, but in the past we had an issue where NoNumber was overriding the Joomla framework and caused a conflict with HTML 2 Articles, so the solution was turning off the NN framework while you run your import. If you do not have NN installed, please send me a login and I will diagnose what is happening for you

Thanks & all the best, Barnaby Dixon

Frank Jesse

February 03, 2018 - 23:32

Hi Barnaby

Stageit is not working properly on my site.
It will not load the stageIt frontend webpage but defaults to the live home page.
I have left the configuration as default.
Perhaps it is not compatible with my site setup?
Are you able to check what's wrong?


Frank Jesse

Reply to Frank Jesse

Barnaby Dixon

February 04, 2018 - 00:10

Hi Frank,

The issue is to do with the custom htaccess redirects on your system - I have sent you an email separately with additional details.

Hope that helps! Sorry for a slower reply today - Saturday here :-)

All the best & have a great weekend, Barnaby

Ron Pare

January 11, 2018 - 13:51

I am afraid this extension no longer does what the website is promoting.
Seeing as I received zero documentation I am led to believe that this is it. I contacted support twice in the last 12 hours (Wednesday) with no reply.

We do not get hourly updates. No word on a required cron job...
No video descriptions or tags as stated in the promo video.

Videos are maxed at 15 videos. As it stands right now, we ain't getting more than that. Please refund me my money, please.

Reply to Ron Pare

Barnaby Dixon

January 11, 2018 - 21:10

Hi Ron,

My apologies, I was travelling today without the ability to reply to your message. I have now replied via private email.

Sincerely, Barnaby Dixon


October 06, 2017 - 05:50

I am interested in purchasing this component but before buying it I would need to know a few things as I don't want to spend the money and then waste my time if this could have been avoided before hand.

1. What are the limitations?
2. Does it support any and all components, template, frameworks, etc.?
3. If use several extensions like Jomsocial, will it read those as well?
4. What about the 3rd party template frameworks like Gantry, T3, etc.?


Reply to Danny

Barnaby Dixon

October 06, 2017 - 08:17

Hi Danny,

Thank you for your message. Please could you confirm which component you are talking about? Thanks!


Reply to Danny


October 06, 2017 - 13:23

Stage it

Reply to Danny

Barnaby Dixon

October 06, 2017 - 14:30

Hi Danny,

Then yes :-) StageIt is compatible with everything. If it works with Joomla 3, it works with StageIt. There are no limitations

All the best, Barnaby

Reply to Danny


October 06, 2017 - 14:54

Great one last question.

Does it work with a local environment? or does it need to live on the same server as the productions site?

Also how would it work if you have different developers work on the site?

Reply to Danny

Barnaby Dixon

October 06, 2017 - 15:16

Hi Danny,

StageIt needs to work on the same server as your live site. If you have developers working, it's best they work on the staging environment, rather than the live, so changes can be tested before they're made live.

All the best, Barnaby

Martin Baker

September 19, 2017 - 08:42

This product did not work with my Joomla site. Barnaby tried to help but it is simply not compatible with the ice extentions and others on my J2.5 site. I spent hours trying to get a simple joomla site updated to J3 and it was not a one click upgrade by any means. I may as well have done a manual upgrade.

I have requested a refund under the 'Money Back Guarantee' but so far no reply.

Reply to Martin Baker

Barnaby Dixon

September 19, 2017 - 09:27

Good morning - thank you for your message, and apologies for not getting back to you yesterday. I really appreciate your feedback, specifically on the issues alongside your extensions. I have sent a full refund, but if there's anything else I can do for you just let me know

Sincerely, Barnaby Dixon

Reply to Martin Baker

Martin Baker

September 19, 2017 - 09:29

Thank you Barnaby. Much appreciated and very nice to see a company that stands by its guarantee.

I am truly sorry it did not work for me but if you manage to get it working for all extentions I will be happy to pay again.

Ed Peterson

June 16, 2017 - 14:10

I want to collect news items from sites that contain a specific topic (key words) and post them on my site with a link back to the source article. Is this possible with NetSukii?

Luis Carneiro

June 09, 2017 - 13:51

My email was answered with a solution to my problem in 5 minutes! Fantastic Service!


May 22, 2017 - 19:00


I just found your side when researching migration from 1.5 (yuk!) to 3.x. I do have two question
1.) This is actually stupid one but I assume your software comes with all the required step by step instructions (for dummies) ;-)
2.) I am not a big fan of PayPal for various reasons including they force you to open an account or your credit card will not be accepted a second time. Do you offer any alternative payment methods?

Reply to Markus

Barnaby Dixon

May 23, 2017 - 08:35

Hi Markus,

1 - Yes all my software comes with a User Guide which is a pdf containing step by step instructions, as well as detailed images and illustrations.

2 - Yes I do accept bitcoin, which you can buy at If you would like to pay this way please let me know exactly which extension and version you want, and I will send you a bitcoin invoice, which can be paid with any debit or credit card, or with a bank deposit

All the best, Barnaby

Ervin Wyatt

May 16, 2017 - 00:40

Hi I have a joomla 3.7 site that I want to migrate just part of the site. Does this program allow you to chose what you migrate or not?

Does it migrate the K2 Users and articals?

Does it migrate the Joomla users and the configuration for each?

Reply to Ervin Wyatt

Barnaby Dixon

May 16, 2017 - 11:02

Hi there,

MigrateMe Plus is for upgrading or migrating old versions of Joomla to 3.7. It's not able to copy a site from one server to another. I would suggest the easiest way of doing that is to zip everything and upload it to the new server, and update your configurations.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon

Blaine D.

February 25, 2017 - 16:34

I have 6 Joomla Websites that I personally own. All of them are 2.5 and I want to upgrade to 3.6.
I would need the Migrate Me Plus
My question is is the price based on per Joomla website or would it work for all 6 of my own websites. If not do you offer a multi-site license for the 6.
Thank You,
Blaine G.

Reply to Blaine D.

Barnaby Dixon

February 28, 2017 - 10:30

Hi there,

You are free to use MigrateMe Plus on all your sites for just the one price.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon


December 12, 2016 - 13:15

Dear Helpdesk,

I just bought MigrateMe to upgrade a 1.5 joomla DB to a 3.6 version. However I cannot make it work, as soon as I use MigrateMe, the system asks me to import the Joomla 1.5 backup, load the backup file "backup_xxx.gz" as per Step 1, which goes until 100% and give the message, "Congratulations, load backup file completed" and then the system stops. It does not even show up Step 2, in order to select the data to migrate and begin Migration.

What did I got wrong ?

Thanks in advance,

All the best,


Reply to Corinne

Barnaby Dixon

December 12, 2016 - 14:12

Hello Corinne,

Thank you for getting in touch.

This is quite strange - I don't know why you would get that message. It's not a message that's in MigrateMe, it is being generated by something else.

You have done exactly what you need to, so normally it should have worked perfectly. I think that the migration is being interrupted somehow.

Could you send me a login and the data for migration, and I will check what is happening for you? You can reply to this as an email rather than writing a comment, so you can attach the data that way.

Cheers & all the best, Barnaby Dixon

Steve Ramirez

November 18, 2016 - 05:46

I'm trying to update to 3.6.4 but nothing happens when I hit the Upgrade button. I tried going through the troubleshooting steps, disabled AdminTools and tried to use the example.htaccess file, but couldn't locate it where it's mentioned in the pdf?

Reply to Steve Ramirez

Barnaby Dixon

November 18, 2016 - 15:50

Hi there Steve

Thank you for getting in touch.

Without more information I'm afraid I don't know what might be happening here. It sounds like a javascript conflict, but I am not aware of any conflicts with other third party extensions.

Could you send me a login and I will try to run the migration for you?

Thanks & all the best, Barnaby Dixon

Paul v

April 07, 2016 - 17:14

Hi David

I am trying to migrate a Joomla 2.5.28 site to 3.5 and am having endless troubles.

The migration component on the 2.5.28 site seem to process the site to a mmp_upgrade directory. But when I try to install any extension it gives me a 500 error. I can't do anything on the new site/directory.

I have tried the migration process over and over again... Update the configuration.php file, tried deleting the new database and login to the administrator which sometimes works but more than often gives me an 1146 error.

All the extensions used on the 2.2.28 site are commercial, licenses, are up-to-date and are compatible with Joomla 3.5.

Please could you drop me an email an let me know want I can do to get this site up and running.


Reply to Paul v

Paul vd Merwe

April 07, 2016 - 17:19

Hi Barnaby

Not to sure why I called you David, my apologies.

Just to clarify it's a Joomla 2.5.28 migration to 3.5 that has many problems and I need some assistance.


Reply to Paul v

Barnaby Dixon

April 07, 2016 - 17:57

Hi Paul

Thank you for getting in touch

The first thing to check would be your file and folder permissions which you can check in Administrator > System > System Information > Permissions. If there's anything marked red, make sure the permissions are changed so that they are marked green. Usually this would mean changing the CHMOD permission of the relevant directory to 0755 or 0777

The second thing to check is in Extensions > Manage > Warnings. If there are any warnings or messages displayed, resolve those and it should do the trick.

I hope that helps - if not, or if I can help with anything else, please let me know - I'm always here to help out.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon


February 21, 2016 - 19:41

Hi Barnaby,

I just tried your basic Migrate me from 1.5.26 to 3.4.8.
the Articles and categories are there. I had preinstalled all third pary components like Ignite Gallery, Virtuemart, HdFlv Player - and all 3rd Party extensions had some kind of warning in the post migration notes and no data appears to have populated. For example, I have many photo galleries on this site, and the component is empty. Even after uploading the photos to the image gallery directory where the images would be stored - the photo profiles, categories and image record are not present.
No Products in Virtumart, no orders, no shipping info populated. No video links in the FLv player.
So where is the missing info? I saved the data and structures in the database to a sql file.

any ideas? thanks! (Or is there documentation somewhere with step by step instructions and a bit more in depth info with common troubleshooting?)

Reply to Kristina

Barnaby Dixon

February 21, 2016 - 22:37

Hi Kristina,

The trick is to install MigrateMe on a brand new, untouched Joomla 3 system. Once you've run the migration, you can then install the latest version of each other extension.

There's a User Guide available as part of the package :-)

All the best, Barnaby Dixon


November 16, 2015 - 09:50


I am getting 'Unknown Error' message whenever i tried to import an SQL backup file (or gzip file).

in the compatibility check part, everything is ticked. This should mean that my Joomla and the rest are compatible with the component right?

What could be wrong?

Can you advise soon?



Reply to Frans

Barnaby Dixon

November 16, 2015 - 09:52

Hi Frans

Thank you for getting in touch.

Most likely, the backup is too large for your server to accept. Please check that the backup is smaller than the maximum import size mentioned in the compatibility checks.

If the backup is too large, please rename it to insert.sql.gz and then upload it to /administrator/components/com_migrateme/

Migrate Me will then allow you to continue with the migration as normal.

Please check the User Guide for more information on this.

I hope that helps! If you continue to hit this error please send me a login and the database for migration and I'll check what is happening

Thanks & all the best, Barnaby Dixon

Reply to Frans


November 16, 2015 - 10:13

Hi Barnaby,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I tried to use the Gzipped method as well. It is not working as well.

But yes, I think you are right. Most likely, the backup is too large for our server to accept.

However, according to the compatibility check from the component, it says that available memory is 256Mb. But my sql (and gzip) file is only 18Mb.

In any case, what should I do next? Would you be able to advise on how to increase the memory size somehow?



Reply to Frans

Barnaby Dixon

November 16, 2015 - 10:16

Hi Frans

The key check is "Maximum import size" (not memory). Often a maximum import size is as little as 2Mb.

Please check the User Guide for information on how to increase your maximum import size, if you need to, as there are a range of different ways to do this. The best way is to change your PHP configuration to increase the max_upload_filesize and post_max_size variables - usually you can do this with an email to your server admins

All the best,

Thomas Thixton

September 04, 2014 - 20:39

Just bought MM after buying MMP last week for some 2.5 sites. How I have a 1.5 site to migrate and it cannot install either from zip upload or Install Directory:

Joomla! 1.5.26 Stable [ senu takaa ama busani ] 27-March-2012 18:00 GMT

I am getting:

Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.

Help! Thx, Cal

Reply to Thomas Thixton

Barnaby Dixon

September 05, 2014 - 07:48

Hi Cal,

Thanks for getting in touch.

The way Migrate Me works is quite different to Migrate Me Plus - which it needs to be due to the very different Joomla 1.5 and 2.5+ frameworks.

So to use Migrate Me, you need to install it on either a Joomla 2.5 system or a 3 system, which will be the 'target' for your migration.

Then, you need to get the Joomla 1.5 data - I recommend through using DataSafe Pro - and follow the Migrate Me instructions to complete the migration.

I hope that helps - please let me know if I can help out any more at all.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon

Herbert Mueller

August 13, 2014 - 19:17

Hello Barnaby,

we have made a migration from J2.5.24 up to 3.3.1 with your tool.

So far everything went fine.

We corrected DB issues in the temporary backend, verified the access to the website, also from within the temporary environment.

So far again, everything was fine.

Then we set the whole thing 'alive'.

Access to the backend was still perfect. All settings can be made. Extensions can be installed.

But if we now try to switch to the front end from the admin portal, then we get the following error message within the browser:

"...To many redirects occurred trying to open This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page. ..."

We have re checked all settings, have made the migration a second time ... same result.

Any targeting advice is highly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.



Reply to Herbert Mueller

Barnaby Dixon

August 14, 2014 - 05:07

Hi Herbert,

I have never seen this problem before... but I have a few thoughts as to what it might be

Please check to see if you have a .htaccess file in place on the root folder, and if so, disable it to see if it corrects the issue.

Alternatively please ask your server host for assistance. There will be an option to limit the maximum redirects, and it's possible that the option is set too low.

Thanks & all the best, Barnaby Dixon

Reply to Herbert Mueller

Herbert Mueller

August 14, 2014 - 10:01

Hello Barnaby,

thanks for your input.

No, htaccess can not be the problem. Problem still persists, even without .htaccess activation.

What we have found out yesterday evening is the following:

Our template (which is a Joomlart -based template) has a moo-menu integrated menu mechanism integrated. We 'suppose' that this might be the issue.

On changing to another template (Joomla Standard template, for example 'Protostar', everything goes fine.

That leads us to the conclusion, that parts of the specific code in the index.php of that Joomlart-template leads to those problems.

Please advice.

Kind regards,


Reply to Herbert Mueller

Barnaby Dixon

August 14, 2014 - 14:54

Hi Herbert,

Thank you for your update.

If you change to a standard Joomla 3 template, (Protostar) does the problem disappear completely?

It sounds as though you have a problem with the template. I would contact the template vendor directly and ask them for assistance.

All the best, Barnaby

Reply to Herbert Mueller

Herbert Mueller

August 15, 2014 - 08:34

Hello Barnaby,

yes, as you are supposing correctly, with protostar template, we do not face any errors so far. Which means in concrete: migrating also our old template to (probably protostar). Costs quite a lot of time but in the end we will have then a 100% compatible template. Thanks anyway for your assistance as well for your really great tool! Best regards, Herbert

Reply to Herbert Mueller

Barnaby Dixon

August 15, 2014 - 08:45

Hi Herbert,

No problem. Now that you know for sure the problem is the template, I would ask your template vendor for an update that is Joomla 3 compatible... it should save you a lot of time!

Anyway I'm glad that you found the root of the issue.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon

Lada H.

September 15, 2013 - 18:56

Hello, super extension.
I have a problem, NetSukii settings don´t work.
I have all relevant options setting to NO.
However metatags, images inline styles are implanted.
I have also publish article setting to NO, but the article is published.
Finally, site name "the article title I SITES NAME" is added to the title of the article. I have Joomla version 2.5.14.
Compatibility check is OK and my template is from Rocketheme. Can you help me please?

Regards, Lada H.

Reply to Lada H.

Barnaby Dixon

September 16, 2013 - 09:42

Hi there

Thanks for your comment.

Please ensure that your Joomla cache is OFF while you run NetSukii, to ensure that your settings are correctly saved and are respected.

The TITLE of the articles is usually set in your Joomla configuration; is the one in the frontend identical to the one in the Articles Manager?

If you have further questions please contact me directly at support at for more detailed support.

All the best - Barnaby Dixon


September 11, 2013 - 20:19

Hello Barnaby,

I've just begun to do the migration. I increased the import file size on my hosting server within the php.ini but the compatibility check continues to see it as the original 10mb. Your thoughts?

Reply to Paula

Barnaby Dixon

September 11, 2013 - 21:42

Hi there Paula

Thank you for your email.

You might need to restart your server if this is a WAMP/XAMP or local install on your computer.

Alternatively it's possible that your server has restricted the max file size to just 10Mb.

You could try using the example.htaccess file in /administrator/components/com_migrateme. You'll need to copy it to /administrator/ and rename it to .htaccess to take effect.

I hope this helps.

Janet Mercer

September 11, 2013 - 16:30

I have a lot of custom components to transfer so I am going to need some time between the initial migration and launch. What do I do about new content on the existing site? Migrate again?

Reply to Janet Mercer

Barnaby Dixon

September 11, 2013 - 21:43

Hi Janet

I'd recommend that you set up your new Joomla system as a testing environment. Then double check that everything works, and if so, migrate the latest data set and go live.

All the best - Barnaby Dixon


August 28, 2013 - 18:24

I just purchased the tool but I can't create a database backup in phpmyadmin, the size is 95 MB. I can't create a database backup.
Any suggestions from anyone?
Thanks in advance.

Reply to Antonio


August 30, 2013 - 13:06

Have you tried using Datasafe?


August 23, 2013 - 11:56

I installed the plugin and it works great BUT it loads 2 instances of the video - I've even set the embed to "no" on both the introduction and main article settings, so in other words it's not even suppose to show anything right? Do you have a solution for me?
thanks. You can check it at:

Reply to Gavin

Barnaby Dixon

August 23, 2013 - 14:17

Hi Gavin,

Thanks for your question. I am guessing that you must have changed the plugin settings AFTER the video was imported?

Any plugin settings will only affect videos that have not yet been imported. You'll need to delete all video articles, and also delete them from the trash, then they'll be reimported with your new saved settings.

All the best - Barnaby Dixon


August 08, 2013 - 07:26


I´m getting the folowing error when uploading databas:
xxxxxx_xxxxx.sql.gz - Unknown Error


AJAX not enabled

What can I do?

Best regards


Reply to Martin

Barnaby Dixon

August 08, 2013 - 23:35

Hi there Martin,

Thank you for your question.

If AJAX is not enabled on your server, it won't be able to process your database. AJAX is used to avoid timeouts and so forth.

In 99% of cases the AJAX is not working due to a server misconfiguration in the .htaccess. If you temporarily disable your .htaccess file (just rename it) it should resolve the issue.

If not, please ask your server admins why the AJAX file isn't working. As a test, try to access /administrator/components/com_migrateme/ajax/checkAjax.php in your browser. It should say 'Bad Access' if it's working, but if it's not, you'll have a server error.

I hope that helps.

All the best - Barnaby Dixon

David Churchill

August 07, 2013 - 17:42

I am getting the following error message.
How do I fix?
Internal Server Error
Staus 500
Error response

Reply to David Churchill

Barnaby Dixon

August 07, 2013 - 20:13

Hi David,

Please check that your system is AJAX compatible. You can check this with the AJAX check in the Compatibility Check box.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon

Rodion Juryev

August 05, 2013 - 10:39

I want to buy Migrate Me, but I want test it on localhost before installing. On my site I've many old redirects and I'm afraid to lose these. What speaks licension on Migrate, can I make test on localhost before migrating on "war" site?

Reply to Rodion Juryev

Barnaby Dixon

August 07, 2013 - 20:15

Hi Rodion,

Yes you can absolutely check Migrate Me works on your localhost. You will be able to reinstall Migrate Me on a remote site if you need to.

Your redirects will all be captured and should work correctly. I am assuming you are using a SEO component such as SH404Sef?

Please let me know how your experiments progress, or if I can help you further.

Thanks & all the best

Barnaby Dixon


July 30, 2013 - 07:52

I am having a problem with the NetSukii Content component. I have bought the product for one purpose and it doesn't import the articles from the website that I have selected.
Please revert back to me asap regarding the problem?

Reply to Stephan

Barnaby Dixon

July 30, 2013 - 08:10

Hi Stephan,

Thank you for your comment. Which website are you trying to import? I will investigate - there is perhaps a .htaccess redirect that's preventing the pages from being captured.

Thanks & all the best - Barnaby Dixon


July 22, 2013 - 14:34

I bought this component and it isn't working.

I get the message insufficient memory. The sql file is just 8mb

Reply to Alfred

Barnaby Dixon

July 22, 2013 - 14:39

Hi Alfred,

The upload limit for most PHP environments is just 2Mb. Please ensure you increase max_upload_limit and post_max_size to 16Mb in your php.ini file, and the migration will work correctly.

Also please ensure your memory_limit is set to 128Mb or above, so that your Joomla system has enough memory to process the migration.

Thanks & all the best - Barnaby Dixon

Don Abrams

July 20, 2013 - 18:36

Hi. I'm considering purchasing a license, but I'm uncomfortable about an issue raised in the comments page of your site. The one from Gary Grant on July 23, 2012. I don't see a response. Is there a problem with the component including more than just the article contents, like footers? It's impractical for us to edit each of the articles on the site to remove unwanted additions.


Reply to Don Abrams

Barnaby Dixon

July 20, 2013 - 19:55

Hi there Don,

Thanks for your comment. I actually answered Gary directly via email - I hadn't realised I didn't also post my response here.

Both NetSukii and HTML 2 Articles have inbuilt methods for extracting parts of each page. HTML 2 Articles lets you tell the engine which ID contains your content, and then extracts it and uses W3C validation to ensure that the resulting Joomla article is valid HTML. NetSukii spiders your website and allows you to select from a drop down the ID or class that contains your content - on both a site wide and a page by page basis.

I hope that answers your question - and thank you for raising it.

All the best, Barnaby Dixon


May 11, 2013 - 11:32

It would be handy in my case to have the ability to import each page into a specific category, perhaps based on a meta tag? For example, I'm importing one history page for every town in the country (33,000+). The component saves a huge amount of time by just getting the page converted to articles, but then I still need to go in and reassign each article to its town category.

David Schafer

October 17, 2012 - 16:28

I'd like to be able to have the product read the creation date from the meta tags or the file name or somewhere.

Reply to David Schafer

Barnaby Dixon

October 17, 2012 - 18:14

Hi David,
Do you have the creation date defined anywhere in the pages you are trying to import? Please email me separately with an example of a page you're importing and I'll see if I can set this up for you.
All the best,
Barnaby Dixon

Jeff R

October 17, 2012 - 14:58

Purchased the backup extension with the intent to use it to move content between two sites. In a post on your site you stated it's not a problem. The extension does work great and is easy to use. However, when restoring the backup to another site, it completely destroys existing content, templates etc...

Is there a way to restore the backup so it's cumulative to the target site?

Best regards,
Jeff R.

Reply to Jeff R

Barnaby Dixon

October 17, 2012 - 18:17

Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your inquiry. Since DataSafe is a database backup engine, the backup transfer only transfers your database - so you will also need to copy your Joomla files to your new system using FTP. My apologies for any confusion.
All the best,
Barnaby Dixon
PHP Web Design

Gary Grant

July 23, 2012 - 20:56

Hi Barnaby,

I purchased your extension with the idea that it would make moving content from one website to another, vastly faster than it is currently doing it by hand.

I appreciate that the extension does a good job of grabbing all the data and placing it in the joomla articles.

However, that is our concern - it grabs everything! Meaning we still have to go back through each page and delete the unwanted hmtl (menus, footers etc etc).

Before we ask for a refund, is your extension able to "Grab" data from specifically set points - for instance, we have **** in all of our builds - is it possible to tell your extension to look for those tags and ONLY grab what's inbetween?

I couldn't find it in the wizard and I'm not sure if it's a "hard code" possiblity?

I look forward to your response.

Gary Grant.

Reply to Gary Grant

Barnaby Dixon

July 24, 2012 - 09:26

Hi there Gary,

Yes - this is a huge part of the functionality. Under the W3C Validation tab, you should see a box called Content ID. If you put the ID of your content div in this box, which in your case would be pagecontent, it'll ONLY grab the content you want to keep.

All the best,


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