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Hi there!

Have you ever looked on the Joomla Extensions Database for a Joomla component or plugin that just doesn't exist, but you desperately need?

Or do you wish Joomla had additional features - like automatic Twitter feeds related to your article's subjects, or new articles based on an RSS feed ...?

If so - let me know! If I like your idea I'll develop it with you and give you a lifetime license for free.


Barnaby Dixon



Your ideas

There are 79 comments

Ton van der Helm

July 17, 2023 - 12:14

Hello Barnaby,

I came accross this gadget on the Joomla site of ExtnBakers.
It's the green "Buy now" button that floats (and sticks) to the right on scrolling down.
I already asked them if I could buy this as an extension but unfortunately for me it is a custom implementation.
Can you build something simular?
I really like to use this on some sites of my clients.

Greetings, Ton

Reply to Ton van der Helm

Tim Davis

July 17, 2023 - 18:55

Hi Ton,

Tim Davis here, helping with support.

That is a nice buy button! Unfortunately, Barnaby isn't taking on any new projects right now.

Paul Vos

October 18, 2022 - 12:53

Hi Barnaby,

Came across your website and found some very interesting tools. We're looking to buy your MigrateMe4 tool this week.

Have you considered developing a similar tool to migrate from PHP7.4 to PHP8.1 (talk about a headache)

Kind regards, Paul Vos

Reply to Paul Vos

Barnaby Dixon

October 18, 2022 - 19:17

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your idea! The switch from PHP 7 to 8 just requires - generally - that you install the latest version of Joomla and update all extensions. If they have been updated to PHP 8.x compatible, you can then switch to PHP 8.

To switch to PHP 8.x, as you probably know - you can usually do this in your CPanel, or via your server host settings. If something doesn't work, switch it back to 7.x while you work out the issue.

Have a great day! Barnaby


January 05, 2022 - 21:18

Is there a plan for HTML2Articles for Joomla 4?

Reply to Alex

Barnaby Dixon

January 06, 2022 - 14:10

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! Yes this is planned, but just waiting to have a spare moment :-)

Kind regards

Reply to Alex


January 06, 2022 - 17:24

You are awesome :)
I like your software.


September 16, 2021 - 12:39


Any update for Joomla 4?

Thanks ;)

Reply to Moses

Barnaby Dixon

September 17, 2021 - 10:04

Hi Moses - update for which extension?

Reply to Moses


October 10, 2021 - 11:00

All of it :)

Where to see any updates & changes?
What is future plan?



May 10, 2020 - 17:33


Is it possible for you to create an extensions for Single Sign On (SSO)?

Multiple Joomla installation with this extensions will have an SSO by just by entering a list of site URL of each other. Joomla User database will automatically be the same for all listed sites.

Thanks :)

Reply to Pakey

Barnaby Dixon

May 10, 2020 - 20:22

Hi there,

Thanks for your message. This would require a SSO running via a separate third party environment to manage the logins ... generally done via a common SSO such as Google, is that what you have in mind?

Please email to discuss further specifics

Thanks, Barnaby

Reply to Pakey


May 12, 2020 - 02:04

Thanks for your reply,

Google is not what I have in mind :D

I've sent you an email via your contact form.



March 26, 2019 - 22:24


I think there might be a great need for a "post by email" application for Joomla that is kept up to date and most of all does not require rocket science knowledge.

Write email to a 'secret' email address, attach (/not/ insert) a photo, write text and be done. The application picks up the received email and places that on the website as a post in a designated category and as featured or not.

There are currently two software packages providing this. One is super simple, but is not maintained and the other is really confusing and complicated and not maintained any more as well.

I ended up here after finding Netsukii in the search results, but that application is not meant for this purpose, so it seems.

With kind regards,

Reply to Fox

Barnaby Dixon

March 27, 2019 - 10:13

Good morning,

Thanks - sounds like a good idea! Could you send me links on the 2 existing extensions? Thanks

Reply to Fox

Pakey Dev

November 14, 2022 - 08:17

Yes this would be great extension for Joomla Articles.
This feature already exist for EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss but can't find any for native Joomla Articles.

Mr Leslie Jarrett

March 21, 2018 - 12:53

An idea that might be worth doing is as follows as a schematic

You point the extension to a web page and it extracts the style of the webpage and then creates a JOOMLA template for your site. This might help those people who want to convert websites to joomla but have too many issues for the conversion tool to work very well.
At least they would get in a Template a framework to which they can build their new site whilst retaining some of the look and feel of the old site.

Reply to Mr Leslie Jarrett

Barnaby Dixon

March 23, 2018 - 09:53

Good morning - and thank you for this great idea!

Unfortunately Joomla templates are quite complex, since they have many different views for the front page, articles, categories and contact page - just to give a few examples. So it's not as straight-forward as pointing a tool at a website, and extracting the HTML and CSS. You would need a coder to go through and actually add the Joomla include elements, and define what each page is - so actual time savings of any tool would be minimal. I am sorry about that!

Thank you for the idea though - and if you have any more just let me know :-)

All the best, Barnaby

Bill Bohn

January 19, 2018 - 05:41

I would like to see a combination of your NetSukii and a software called phpBay Pro. PhpBay pro (google it) is for users of the eBay partner (affiliate) network. It automatically pulls auctions based on keywords and post's them to a page. With your software pulling the articles and a phpBay Pro type of program pulling the related eBay auctions, you would have one very powerful income-generating component. There is also an Amazon affiliate software as well called phpzon by the same author. It works in much the same way. You could combine the three of them for a tripple play!

Reply to Bill Bohn

Barnaby Dixon

January 21, 2018 - 09:51

Hi Bill

Thanks for the great idea - added to the idea bank. Will see what I can do if I get a chance! All the best, Barnaby


August 21, 2017 - 12:42


I would like a component. extension, plugin or whatever that I think really should be in the Joomla Core.

A way to set publishing of content - modules and articles to recur on yearly basis. It would be good to be able to do this for any time period on days week, Day of month and day of year year. And include Holidays that are not always on the same day such as Armed Forces Day.

I would be satisfied if this would be done so I could just have content get re-published for a particular date each year. Such as July 4 every year and such like.

Thank you!


August 01, 2017 - 21:31

I know you create great extensions, I love your MigrateMe extensions, I have, love and use them both. Anyways, I think a great plugin would be something to unfeature a Joomla article at a certain date. We have clients that use the feature button but want to make something unfeature at a certain time. I don't see this anywhere and would be very useful.

Reply to Richard

Barnaby Dixon

August 02, 2017 - 20:15

Hi Richard,

Thank you for this great idea - and I agree, this could be a great addition to Joomla. Something that either automatically unfeatures articles after a certain time, or where you can set the unfeature date would be awesome.

I will have to work on it when I have a chance!

All the best, Barnaby Dixon


April 15, 2017 - 14:14

Suggestion - Make Kazaam! able to create menus for the very popular Kunena forum.

Faisal Khan

February 28, 2016 - 13:26

I want to give you an idea about the payment method. I really want to say that there should be another method of acceptance of payments for Extensions and components. Because bitcoin and paypal especially in Asia are not famous. So there should be another method for accepting credit cards. As i am facing lot of problems in buying migrate me plus component.
You must thinks about it as early as possible. Hope you will must do some thing for it..

Faisal Khan

robert syputa

September 01, 2015 - 12:59


Consider an extension or add-in for Netsukii that allows grabbing of product pages from Amazon and the many Chinese ecommerce sites like

This would capture the content including images and allow mapping to templated formats that can be imported/used in a module position within Joomla.
The product's ID, title, description should be parsed for import into the site and database tables.

The purpose is to allow for sale of products or services from the many ecommerce sites offer associate sales programs. The import template, therefore, should also include input of the associate ID.. although that can probably be done without special provision in the extension.

Reply to robert syputa

Barnaby Dixon

September 02, 2015 - 21:39

Hi there,

Thanks - this is a great idea. But what I think you are describing is a module to display products, maybe in a slideshow, with a link to the product on Amazon? Is that right?

The only problem with doing an all-in-one solution for multiple e-commerce sites is that each site would have its own framework, so it would be a huge customization to integrate a solution with each one. But by concentrating on just one at a time (say, Amazon) this should be achievable.

Is there anything for Joomla that does this already? For example, are there any modules for Joomla that display Amazon products?

Thank you so much for your input!

Barnaby Dixon


June 06, 2015 - 06:20

How about a reverse-engineered form application. Here's what I mean in more detail.

Typically, a customer from the front end, like this submission here, will fill out a form and submit it. You, as the employee/owner/etc, can view it in the database or have a submission sent to your email, right?

What I would like to do is reverse that. The administrator fills out the form in the back-end, and it's searchable & viewable from the front end.

It seems pretty straight-forward, but I have no experience in this field, so I really don't know.

Reply to bwarren

Barnaby Dixon

June 06, 2015 - 07:12

Hi there,

Thank you for getting in touch!

You have just described a content management system like Joomla :-)

All the best, Barnaby Dixon

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Frank Ventura

November 12, 2014 - 18:37


Have you ever considered a version of MigrateMe Plus that would just duplicate the Joomla site, allow a developer to modify and test, then push the site back to production without changing versions? I have a request to set up a duplicate Joomla site for testing. A version of MigrateMe Plus could do this so easily. You could name it DuplicateMe Plus.

Thank you,

Frank Ventura

Michel Quinault

October 29, 2014 - 14:09

J'étais perplexe à l'idée de passer de Joomla 1.5.26 à Joomla 3.3.4. J'appréhendais cette mise à jour, même avec Migrate-Me.
Je suis Français et je ne pratique pas l'Anglais.
J'ai eu quelques surprises lors de l'installation, mais le service après-vente exercé par Barnaby Dixon m'a permis de régler chacun des problèùmes qui se sont présentés.
Bien qu'il avoue ne pas savoir parler correctement le Français, Barnaby possède une maîtrise de la langue de Molière dont on aimerait bien disposer à propos de l'Anglais.

Ses descriptions sont claires et sans ambigüité. Il a par ailleurs un sens pédagogique aigu pour guider nos interventions.
Enfin, ce qui est très appréciable, monsieur Barnaby est d'une très grande amabilité dans ses propos et d'une grande disponibilité.
Un grand bravo et Merci.

Reply to Michel Quinault

Barnaby Dixon

October 29, 2014 - 14:18

Merci Michel!


October 25, 2014 - 03:57

How about a article import for Joomla content to K2 articles. They have one but it's limited and doesn't work that great.

I would pay for a good J2K2 extension.


Ann Jones

July 28, 2014 - 09:18

Hi Barnaby

I am looking for a Joomla (3.x) Kudos addon (plugin/module) such as the one on This gives a simple but clean look. I know there is one for wordpress but unfortunately not one for Joomla.


Reply to Ann Jones

Barnaby Dixon

August 04, 2014 - 06:36

Hi Ann,

Thank you for your suggestion. Very nice! I'll look into it. Does it / should it interact with any Joomla ratings component at all?

All the best, Barnaby Dixon

Reply to Ann Jones

Ann Jones

August 04, 2014 - 11:13

Hi Barnaby

Thank you for your reply. We were thinking of it being standalone as in Svbtle with the counter being maintained in Joomla's Mysql database and some stats listed within the component.

Someone developed a general purpose javascript Kudos lookalike ( but this really needs an easy to use Joomla component.

It would be great if you could do it



July 07, 2014 - 08:48

First off let me say this tool is freaking amazing in a way that is hard to describe it does what it says it does… and does it very well….
The only thing holding this back from being beyond amazing would be the addition of the following feature I don’t know how difficult it would be but I think the number of fans you would get would sky rocket..
Because the upgrade path to a lot of addon’s is to update the in the live site then push then migrate to the new joomla if we could do the following
Clone the original site with the original site so that now you have 2 live copies of original un upgraded site…
Then from the “cloned site” run the upgrade scripts and then and the upgraded version of joomla so that you can remove and upgrade live stuff to see if it works etc etc and then once that was good to go push it from that to upgrade the live site… that would put me over the freaking moon !!!! just a thought..
if there is a way to do that please let me and again thanks for making such an amazing migration tool

Reply to Mark

Barnaby Dixon

July 08, 2014 - 09:52

Hi there Mark,

Thank you for your comment. The great news is... that is how Migrate Me Plus already works!

It creates a cloned version of your 'live' site and allows you to upgrade everything, test new modules, update a template, and make all kinds of changes, without impacting the live system. Then, when you're ready to put the new upgraded system 'live' it'll do that for you too - back up the old system, remove it, and then replace it with the updated system.



May 23, 2014 - 13:28

I been creating a movie listing site for long time, and due to the lack of joomla extensions for movies, I am stuck on this project. I use sobipro as cck, but also it lack of some addons for movie, so a good Idea will be to develop a "entry chooser" with a fancy name like "entry anywhere" or "entry selector" just to select in my case movies, other will use it as products chooser, notice it's different to related product, with the entries selector you have the power to select specific product (customer's product which pay more). If you need more details drop me a mail.




May 23, 2014 - 13:27

I been creating a movie listing site for long time, and due to the lack of joomla extensions for movies, I am stuck on this project. I use sobipro as cck, but also it lack of some addons for movie, so a good Idea will be to develop a "entry chooser" with a fancy name like "entry anywhere" or "entry selector" just to select in my case movies, other will use it as products chooser, notice it's different to related product, with the entries selector you have the power to select specific product (customer's product which pay more). If you need more details drop me a mail.



John Bestevaar

February 20, 2014 - 12:57

Dear Barnaby
I am a visual artist (67 yrs old) so i started late with computers, joomla etc. I discovered to my dismay that a digital photgrapher has no way to write information about the digital photo he just made to that digital photo so that the info stays with the photo wherever the photo goes. In contrast to printed photos, where you very simply just write your stuff on the back of the photo.

My project is making photos of my local plants and animals( multiple photos in detail for each species) and identifying them by scientific name and organizing the photos into a key system.

The key system is text (meta) information that is intimately related to the photos but has to be stored seperately from the photos in tables on a database!!!! Move any photo even a little and the info is lost.!!!

Yes i do know about Exiftool, IPTC,Darwin etc, but they are all hard to handle and time consuming which no doubt accounts for the popularity of Photo Gallery systems.

Reply to John Bestevaar

Barnaby Dixon

February 26, 2014 - 16:26

Hi there John

Thank you for your comment.

Unfortunately it's somewhat difficult to maintain your original information with the photo in the digital age, not least because most websites will rebuild your photo as a new file rather than use the file as-given, which could cause a security hole.

All I can suggest is that you use a service such as to store your photos, which does allow you to save some information about the photo, and I believe is also able to read some information such as which camera was used to take the photo, and in some cases, the date it was taken.

Hope that helps. All the best - Barnaby Dixon

Reply to John Bestevaar

John Bestevaar

February 27, 2014 - 02:37

Dear Barnaby
Thank you so much for your reply. I do agree with your assessment of the state of affairs with respect to images and the web but i am concerned what may happen to the web as a result.
Given that the monitor screen is the window to the web,it is the ideal medium for human interaction via our primary sense, of seeing.
Therefore images should develop a larger share of human cyberlife.
But..images in contexts such as flickr etc, where the text or metadata about the image is seperately stored means that innovations in visual applications will suffer and lag well behind.
Imagine this analogy:You write a book but only the name of the publisher is on the cover. Your name as author is not allowed on the book cover nor elsewhere but can be found via a request in writing to the publisher. What would happen to book writing and publishing?

Reply to John Bestevaar

Barnaby Dixon

February 27, 2014 - 11:13

Hi John

Unfortunately that's the nature of the internet, since photos and other materials can be so quickly copied and redistributed, and there's nothing to stop authorship details being lost.


Reply to John Bestevaar

John Bestevaar

February 27, 2014 - 14:13

Agreed that in this respect at least the nature of the web is unfortunate.
But i have a dream,,,that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created with equal rights on the web.( aplogies to Martin Luther King )
So i will keep to my quest to an enlightened world wide web.
Kindest Regards John Bestevaar

Reply to John Bestevaar

John Bestevaar

March 09, 2014 - 15:09

Dear Barnaby
I have always liked the "breadcrumbs" navigation idea on websites because it seems so simple,fast,flexible and intuitive to use. In Joomla 3.2.2 however,the breadcrumbs module that is packaged,creates a trail that by design,always includes whatever "category name" the articles are assigned to.
Thus:Home > menu-name > Category-name > Article-name etc.etc.
For my site i need the category name to be hidden or taken out of the breadcrumb trail because the display of that content is a uncontrolled mess and also not part of my intended structure.
After days of googling and finding many other users with the same wish,but finding no suitable 3rd party joomla extension, i would like to put the proposal to you.
Would you consider creating a very simple,no fancy css, Breadcrumb module whereby one may control what ends up in the breadcrumb trail on the frontend?
Kind Regards John Bestevaar

ryan bender

January 30, 2014 - 22:03

Idea is a K2/Joomla social voting / vote up plugin, for example you want users to submit content to your site like article or form to content or video or images and then you want to offer a contest or giveaway like $100 or free something or get 10 votes get a free membership or credit or coupon or whatever, to encourage users to get their friends and family to vote on their submitting. Now we have already 5 star in k2 and we have many extensions for social recommend for our own content, this is different because it calculate total votes, makes a contest or game out of it, and encourage user to vote and recruit others to vote to win the contents. Those social recommend votes give us backlink to our site, what if they must vote by Facebook like, Twitter follow or recommend, and G+, any of the big 3, now we can get so many real backlinks without much effort. It is great for SEO and improve site ranking and authority. The plugin would calculate total social votes and possibly have method to select which area of site to add the plugin and also have a thumb up/vote up option for if want to collect votes from non social users also, possibly order content by most votes (optional), this could help to generate content for a site and also to get it ranked.

ryan bender

January 26, 2014 - 20:27

I would guess the reason it dont exist it might not possible but seems a shame, we can import tweets and facebook comments why not google reviews (the kind that show up in search results "13 Google Reviews", these are more valuable to most of my small business clients, many sites post customer reviews on their site but it would look more credible if coming straight from Google places reviews. Also if can get the "Write a Review" that would have great SEO help to clients as this is a major SEO ranking factor so getting more reviews is a good thing more important than G+ or Likes or Twitter followers. I am not talking about G+ or liking a page im talking about customer reviews.

ryan bender

January 22, 2014 - 20:10

About 30% of my clients need ecommerce. about 30% of those want to sell on ebay and amazon as well as joomla (or already do). I found one joomla extension being sold for $1000+ for snch with ebay and no synch for Amazon. There are some 3rd party services that start at $75 per month that will snch amazon and ebay together on 3rd party platform/shop. If its possible to develop a powerfull tool that can do amazing things like synch up Amazon and Ebay with Joomla then PHP-Web-Design/VibaWeb Ltd. I think would be the ones to do it if anyone can. I just lost a client because of it today, but I am more interested in the amount of clients I could gain by offering a reasonable solution using a flexible platform like Joomla for this demand.

(Googlebase is also worth noting but there are joomla extentions for that already)


January 21, 2014 - 07:09

i can't able to donwload this extension, please help me. how can i easily donwload migrate me joomla extension, i want to convert joomla 1.5 to joomla 2.5.

Reply to kamal

Barnaby Dixon

January 21, 2014 - 07:23

Hi there

Please buy it using one of the buttons.


Timothy Tuck

December 06, 2013 - 03:31

There are quite a few different menu systems for Joomla at this point but what would be incredibly useful is to add geo-location functionality into the menu system. Many components for Joomla support having their content geomapped such as K2, Mosets Tree, Jomsocial, Community Builder and Sobipro and even Joomla Articles via tags. Those are the ones just off the top of my head but none will actually filter the results from your menu entry into those components based off of the users location. Why not give a menu type that would allow you to select which tables actually store the latitude and longitude for the entries in two dropdowns. With everything becoming location aware this is a feature that very few are able to provide so there is no standardized way to provide this currently. Hope my explanation makes sense, I wouldn't think this would be that hard to do but to date I have yet to find a good way of doing this.

Henny Smafter

November 20, 2013 - 19:40

Kazaam is perfect in the way it works. And that is the best part of it. It always works.

But there could be more functions in it to make it even better!

It is now possible to select which categories it should generate the menu from.

What I want to suggest is the following function in the plugin:

Option 1: Choose which categories
Option 2: All categories

So when you create a category you no longer have to add it through the Kazaam plugin because it already does it then.

Rob Williams

October 05, 2013 - 21:15

Kazaam! - fabulous extension - exactly what I need but ...

I need to be able to generate two sets of submenus for all the articles in the same category - One linked to Top and One Linked to Main Menu. I repeated the menu#x entry in the plugin and amended them acccordingly, but it seems to only create the submenus in the last of the entries as it reads down them, so menu#1 did not have the submenus created but menu#2 did. I assume its because they both relate to the same input category.

Is there a way to get around this, or could this be added to a future release?



roi ben

August 24, 2013 - 19:07

an extention that can turn word docs to joomla article
i mean i upload 5 words docs and the extention convert it to 5 joomla article
and it must look good :)

Reply to roi ben


November 23, 2013 - 19:53

Great Idea- but lets do that for Open Office and we will have done it for all.


August 24, 2013 - 16:52

Looking at that link, it was not correct. I think the version extension has been taken down from the JED. I know the author stated he could no longer support the extension. Basically it kept older versions of each article and you could roll back to the earlier version. Very essential in case you make a horrible mistake in an article.



August 24, 2013 - 16:52

Looking at that link, it was not correct. I think the version extension has been taken down from the JED. I know the author stated he could no longer support the extension. Basically it kept older versions of each article and you could roll back to the earlier version. Very essential in case you make a horrible mistake in an article.



August 24, 2013 - 16:52

Looking at that link, it was not correct. I think the version extension has been taken down from the JED. I know the author stated he could no longer support the extension. Basically it kept older versions of each article and you could roll back to the earlier version. Very essential in case you make a horrible mistake in an article.



August 24, 2013 - 16:49

There is a joomla component called "Versioning". But it has not been upgraded to Joomla 3.x. It is really an essential extension, and hopefully you can create a 3.x version.



Bruce Isaacson

August 17, 2013 - 14:25

Hello from Tennessee,
I thought I might leave the link below for those of you who might need more details about increasing the memory limit on their local server. This particular link refers to MAMP and MAMP PRO. The php.ini file turns out to be a wonder file when it come to cudtomizing phpmyadmin and all sorts of things related to allowing your website to employ certain programs. This is where you will make necessary changes to employ an upload folder on your phpmyadmin c panel as well as installing an ion cube for certain payment or subscription software.

William E. Barnes

June 28, 2013 - 14:04

This discussion is a great idea!
Just sad to see it fizzled out 15 months ago.

The one thing that I think Joomla needs - Just may be the solution Chris Wombles comment -

A code injector.
I would like to be able to inject css - js - php etc just before opening body tag or just before closing body tag on a page to page basis without fiddling with template source code.

So if I want to include a page or section specific element that requires code to be added into the head or before the closing body tag -
I can create a module (simple form field - non text editor) that I can place a snippet of code into and tell it to place code either into the head or foot and then assign it to pages.


Reply to William E. Barnes

William E. Barnes

June 28, 2013 - 14:08

Sorry I can't edit - "Just sad to see it fizzled out 15 months ago."
Just realized the timeline has newest on top. I was looking at post above the feedback box when I made that comment.



April 18, 2013 - 18:41

Dear Burnaby,

I have May Sites In Joomla 1.5. The Only Best Thing You Can Do Is To Upgrade Joomla 1.5 to 3.5 without the loss of data. If you make this component or extension I will purchase it $1000

Best Regards,

Reply to Faheem


April 18, 2013 - 18:44

We Can Change The Templates etc But the site should stay in touch I mean articles and categories etc you know better.

This could be a great achievement for all joomla users world wide.


Reply to Faheem


April 18, 2013 - 18:54

I am requesting this extension because now a days joomla 1.5 is being attacked by hackers and thousands are being effected including mine. If there is a possible solution that you upgrade joomla 1.5 to 3.0 or later that would be super.

People can go for new template or make them compatible to 3.0.

Best of Luck.


Reply to Faheem

Barnaby Dixon

April 19, 2013 - 10:26

Hi there,

Thank you for your comment. Please contact me directly to discuss the solution you need.

Thanks & all the best,
Barnaby Dixon
PHP Web Design

Mark Yelka

April 03, 2013 - 13:49

Barnaby... The generated menu list is being sorted in the reverse order that the articles were created. I want it to obey the ordering I specify in the Articles Manager.

How can I control the ordering of the menu items?

Reply to Mark Yelka

Barnaby Dixon

April 16, 2013 - 21:06

Hi there Mark,

Thank you for your comment. In theory it should automatically obey the ordering that you have in the Article Manager, so it's strange that it's not. I'll take a look as soon as I get a chance - as you know I offer Kazaam for free so I have to wait for a free moment before I can look into it. Sorry about that!

All the best - Barnaby Dixon


October 10, 2012 - 07:36

Hi Barnaby,
there is yet no 'infinite scroll' plugin for joomla...wordpress has :D :D

u facebook or twitter when u scrolling down :):)


July 24, 2012 - 22:25

It is very annoying in Joomla that you need almost always a menue item if you want to alternate the title tag of a page view based on a category or an article. There should be a possibility to have a field on the category edit page as well as on the article edit page to do that. Several plugins seem to manage the problem but they do not realy good because they only write the title in an existing menue item or they produce garbage - especially when the plugin is turned off or it was deleted. It would be much better to have the title stored in the database together with the category respectively the article. If one wants to override it with the setting of a menue item so that should be possible as usual.


May 23, 2012 - 01:21

I have a request for a simple plugin/feature for Joomla. It might have been part of the system back at the beginning.

On a category blog, you can set up a number of leading articles and a number of intro articles. I would like the leading articles to show the full text (without the readmore if it exists). Then the Intro articles would show whatever is before the readmore.

Such a simple idea, yet I can't find anything that does that.

A lot of people would use this, I think. I know I would love to have that feature. I hope you can write something to do that.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ask for it!


May 07, 2012 - 22:34

I have been trying to come to terms with joomla for about a month (off and on). As a new user the most frustrating part about joomla is not joomla itself. It is the search engine on the joomla forum.

I have found it really difficult to find previous posts in the forum by searching.

Yet when I go to google I can quickly find articles and discussions even posts inside joomla forum.

It is not very helpfull to "hit" every instance of the word "save" when I am looking for "save joomla" or "back-up".

So top of my wish list is a google style search engine for the forum. Either that or some instructions that are easy to find. Not sure if such a request fits inside "extensions" developer capabilities.

Reply to Richard

Barnaby Dixon

May 08, 2012 - 06:50

Hi there,

I'm afraid that's not something I can deal with - you will need to discuss this with the Joomla forum support team.

All the best - Barnaby

Barnaby Dixon

April 03, 2012 - 05:33

Hi there Andrew,

That is a great idea - very simple and yet so effective. I'll look into building it, and I'll stay in touch to discuss the idea further.



Reply to Barnaby Dixon

Andrew Chris Womble

April 05, 2012 - 04:55

LMAO...since the day I sent this...I was looking for the response in my email. I assumed it was private. I am glad I found my way back here. This is awesome news. In my opinion with a plugin like this I think it would hugely benefit ALOT of site admins, as so many people refuse to update because of the template editing they have performed.

Thank you,

P.S. If I manage to find time, I will post some more ideas. Do you have a certain area of expertise that you want me to focus on?

Reply to Barnaby Dixon

Barnaby Dixon

May 10, 2012 - 03:54

Hi again,

I think the best idea might yet be to add a css file called 'overrides.css' in your template/css/ folder, and add the override rules you want in there.

Then add a reference to the overrides.css file just before the in your template index.php file, and your overrides will work perfectly. They also won't be overwritten by any upgrades.

All the best,


Andrew Chris Womble

April 03, 2012 - 03:44

Wow...finally a place for my ideas. I am a professional creative thinker, so this contact form for me to submit my ideas is just what I have been looking for. I generally think these ideas right of the top of my head and rarely write them with that said, sometimes what I "see" does not translate into words to well. But I will give it a go.

SITUATION: In the past month I have literally rewritten all my css changes for all my modules and template pages due to third party file updates. Of 15 different Modules and one template. I had a total of 15 module new updates, 1 template new update and 3 additional template -reupdates with 7 modules having additional re-updates as well.

TITLE: Overrides Plugin
DESCRIPTION: This plugin will load up a single css file to override all other css within a template or module. This will benefit ALL joomla users that need to alter their CSS throughout their website.

FUNCTION: In Admin/Plugins you will assign the file for the plugin to load. You can name this plugin anything you like and locate it anywhere you need. This allows better chances that this file will NEVER be overwritten.

SOLUTION: If I had a single source for template overrides, I can easily maintain my changes and never fear of losing them due to updates. With that said, I will never have to worry or track which modules I edited.

I hope this explained enough, if you need more details, feel free to email me at [email protected]

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